Patrick's Banner

Hi. Mom says that I have to ask you to visit my pesky little brother's page. The link for it is in my link section. It's just a page about a fussy ole brat! I don't think it's nearly as good as mine, but who knows, you might like it!

My name is Patrick and I am 8 years old. I would like to tell you a little about myself. I am attending second grade this year, and I love it! I really like school, and love to play with all of the other kids.  I especially like Reading Recovery (that's where I get lots of extra help learning to read) and Math.  My teacher says that I'm coming along well with my reading and I'm a "whiz" in Math.  :o)

Some of my favorite things to do at home are to play outside with my toys, play with my dog, pick on my brother, and of course riding my bike! My most favorite thing to do is to ride on the tractor with my daddy. It is sooo fun. Daddy even lets me steer it when we are out in the field! I also really like to ride in Daddy's big truck.

Let me tell you about my dog. His name is Buddy and he's a Chocolate Lab. He's brown and has really pretty yellow eyes. He likes me a lot, but sometimes he thinks I'm one of his chew toys! LOL He likes to run and play with me and we play hide-and-seek all of the time....he always finds me! I would like to thank my Pappaw Willie and Mammaw Margie for getting Buddy for me. He was the bestest gift ever!

I used to be a BIG Winnie the Pooh fan, as you can probably tell.  I've been trying to get Mom to change my page, cuz Pooh is for babies, but she hasn't had time to do it yet.  She promises she will, though.


Some of my other favorite shows are Rugrats, Doug and Thomas The Tank Engine. I also like the movies Toy Story, Lion King and Dumbo. My favorite Christmas show is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.



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Before you leave, check out my links to some of my favorite pages.

Blues Clues

Bill Nye the Science Guy

Children's Television Workshop

PBS Kids

Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends

Michael's Kids Club Craft Projects

My little brother, Randy's Page


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